
Showing 10–12 of 12 results

  • Memoir Writing with Judy Gruen

    In this dynamic workshop, Judy Gruen, author, writing coach and humorist, takes us through the ins and outs of memoir writing. A wonderful way to catapult your non-fiction writing and get real inspiration from a veteran author and writing coach.Add to cart
  • ROCHEL SAMET Presents an Interactive Fiction Workshop!

    In this fabulous, hands-on workshop replay, Rochel Samet presents a wonderful framework for building characters and plot simultaneously, bringing your fiction story to life. Includes a downloadable worksheet for you to follow along during the workshop. Boost your creativity AND your productivity in just one hour. Moderated by Riva Pomerantz.Add to cart
  • The Art of Pacing! Pace Yourself for Success!

    Writer and editor Chaya Sara Ben-Shachar really delivers in this info-packed workshop. Learn how to tell a really great story using the oft-forgotten tool of PACING to keep your reader hooked! These tips will completely upgrade your writing.Add to cart