Menorah Everlasting The photograph is haunting—a juxtaposition of life and death, revival and destruction. A menorah, symbol of the indomitable spirit of the Jewish People, stands proudly in the front window of a Jewish home in Germany. Directly across the street...
(How) Do We Move On? I spent all day yesterday debating about what I should do yesterday. I stare at the bright, shiny screen waiting for me to type in the magical marketing words to advertise my newest Skillnosh course. And I just can’t do it. My kids need winter...
From My Broken Heart to Yours: Thoughts on Am Yisrael, Eretz Yisrael, and Ahavas Yisrael It’s hard for me to find the words. And you know I’m not trying to be melodramatic. How do I start? Where do I end? My heart is at-once wide open and yet completely...
Please, Thank You, and I’m Sorry: Yom Kippur Reflections I’ve been thinking. About you, in fact. Yes, about you, my dear reader, whose discerning mind samples my work and whose reflections, suggestions, and corrections influence my craft. And now, as we take...
What’s the real problem with Down syndrome? Every Rosh Chodesh, seven area preschools get together for a special davening in the courtyard of a local shul. It’s a change of pace for the kids, an opportunity to feel part of something festive, and they look...
Up, Up and Away! " Read More I promised you a rundown on my interesting career path, so dive in, folks!Believe it or not, I never wanted to be a writer. In third grade, we took a trip to the Toronto Science Center and in a big, dark room I came across an X-ray...